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sportsequip.co.uk offer a unique range of 'capital' basketball equipment - such as goals and backboards from leading manufacturers such as Harrod Sport and Sure Shot. Many of the products featured within our basketball range can be used in clubs, schools/sports halls and by local authorities in public recreational areas.
Heavy duty basketball goals for schools, colleges, parks and open spaces.View Products
Cantilever basketball goals with practice sized steel or wooden backboards.View Products
Steel socketed and permanent mini basketball goals for 8-12 year olds.View Products
Range of basketball goals manufactured by Sure Shot, suitable for home use or in primary and secondary schools.View Products
Wall mounted basketball back boards, brackets and replacement backboards.View Products
Basketball rings, nets and post protector pads.View Products
Basketball Equipment Suppliers for Schools & Clubs
In this section, you'll find heavy duty, socketed, portable, cantilevered and mini basketball goals in addition to a range of practice or regulation backboards and accessories such as upright padding, basketball rings and nets.
We offer a range of fixed basketball court equipment, including basketball goals (heavy duty, cantilevered and mini basketball goals), as well as basketball backboards and other accessories, including sockets, post protection padding, rings and nets.
What types of basketball goal are available?
Heavy Duty Basketball Goals
These basketball goals can be supplied with either practice or regulation size wooden backboards, or steel backboards (practice size). This type of socketed goal is well suited to school playground or park use.
Cantilevered Basketball Goals
Available with either steel or wooden practice backboards. These socketed goals are also suitable for schools or parks use.
Mini Basketball Goals
Designed for children aged 8-12 years old, with a 2.6m ring height. Mini basketball goals are socketed and ideal for school use.
Please note: All socketed basketball goals require careful installation to ensure safety. For guidance, please contact us on 01858 545789.
Other Basketball Equipment
Our range of basketball backboards are available in a variety of sizes (practice or regulation) to fit most types of basketball goal. Wall mounting brackets are also available, providing a standard 0.6m goal projection.
We also offer a selection of replacement nets and rings, as well as upright post pads, post sockets and lids.
Have a question?
If you are looking for supply and installation for a pair of basketball goals, please telephone us now on 01858 545789.